CS Beacon Loader (Packed)

Analysis of a second stage packed Cobalt Strike beacon loader that did the rounds a while ago, good one for learning about direct syscalls.






Unpacking CS

Running the bin through the SentinelOne CS Parser gives us nothing and closer inspection of the file in HxD shows it’s actually a valid PE file, the CS payload must be extracted/injected at runtime.

CS Parser Output

HxD Output

Taking a look at the PE file in the debugger we notice a bunch direct syscalls used to avoid API monitoring, this is a huge red-flag (literally!) as a legitimate program would not be making syscalls directly.

x64dbg System Calls

In the disassembler we only see some of the syscalls noted in the debugger, the dissembler probably hasn’t dissembled them correctly. To uncover further syscalls we can pattern match the repeating 4-bytes between functions that contain both the syscall and prior instruction. To do this we highlight the instructions we want to match and use Search > For Instruction Patterns.

Pattern Search

Instruction Pattern Search

Now we’ve found potential additional syscalls we can scroll to the start of the function where the null-bytes end and dissemble the bytecode using D.

Disassemble syscall Function Before

Disassemble syscall Function After

Inside the functions containing the syscalls there is a call to an API hashing function located in FUN_100002189 > FUN_100001fa0 used to decode and dynamically lookup the syscall service number (SSN) before calling.

Part of Hashing Algorithm

Since we captured the addresses of the syscalls statically we can set breakpoints in the debugger to identify what these API calls are. Giving us the following interesting API calls which are most likely used to write and change the permissions to a section of memory:

  • ZwAllocateVirtualMemory
  • ZwProtectVirtualMemory
  • ZwWriteVirtualMemory

Looking up ZwAllocateVirtualMemory & ZwProtectVirtualMemory on MSDN we can see that the second argument stored in RDX (due to the 64-bit calling convention) is a pointer to an address that will receive the base address of the allocated region (as this is 64-bit the address will be 8 bytes long).

Following this address from the dump view into the memory map allows us to dump the payload before it’s mapped and executed.

ProVirtMem Return Address

Allocated Page

Follow in Memory Map

Dum Memory to File

Looks like the payload was decrypted into the middle of the .text section of the original PE file. Notice that the header of the MZ file is odd, looks like a reflective PE header - let’s remove the garage before it and take a look.

Search PE Header

Delete PE Junk

Extracting Configuration

Finally let’s run the dumped binary through the SentinelOne CS Parser, we can see the Cobalt Strike Beacon configuration now!

Extracted CS Config

Written on January 1, 2023